Lexuma Director, Kelvin Ip, as one of the speakers sharing at PolyU InnoHub's Crowdfunding Strategy Training

By Kelvin Ip 0 comments

Lexuma director Kelvin invited to PolyU InnoHub Crowdfunding Strategy Training as one of the speakers


Lexuma is honored to be invited as one of the speakers at Crowdfunding Strategy intensive training hosted by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU InnoHub) on March 1, 2018. 

PolyU InnoHub Crowdfunding Strategy Lexuma辣數碼有限公司

Lexuma director, Kelvin Ip, shared his valuable experience in setting up and running crowdfunding campaigns, covering major strategies of preparation, processes and spread of crowdfunding projects.  It was a fruitful and memorable evening exchanging ideas and insights with PolyU staffs, students and alumni.  Stay tuned for our future sharing sessions. 

PolyU InnoHub Crowdfunding Strategy Lexuma辣數碼有限公司

PolyU InnoHub Crowdfunding Strategy Lexuma辣數碼有限公司


辣數碼有限公司很榮幸受香港理工大學 InnoHub邀請,於2018年3月1日的眾籌策略培訓中分享經驗。辣數碼負責人Kelvin分享了在設立及舉辦眾籌活動的寶貴經驗,包括項目準備、跟進及擴展階段的策略。這次分享很完滿和難忘,Kelvin和理大學生、員工和職員交流了心得和經驗,期待下一次的分享會。