Lexuma Director, Kelvin Ip, Sharing crowdfunding experience in NxTEC 2.0 programme

By Lexuma Admin 0 comments

Lexuma is honored to be invited as one of the guest speakers sharing our crowd funding experience with NxTEC 2.0 programme participants today.

Lexuma辣數碼有限公司 NxTEC 2.0 Talk poster picture

These university students are members of NxTEC 2.0 programme organized by HKSTP, J.P. Morgan & Chase and the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM), and they are currently in internship with companies at HKSTP. 

Lexuma辣數碼有限公司 NxTEC 2.0 Talk highlight of the day photo

Students are given training on crowd funding this afternoon.  Lexuma director, Kelvin Ip, shared his experience in running a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign.  We are glad to interact with students during the sharing session, and exchanged lots of interesting ideas.  It would be great to see them participating more in crowdfunding projects in the future. 

Lexuma辣數碼有限公司 NxTEC 2.0 Talk group photo after event


辣數碼有限公司很榮幸受邀出席NxTEC 2.0計劃,並以嘉賓講者身份向計劃參加者分享眾籌經驗。NxTEC計劃由HKSTP、J.P. Morgan及香港人力資源管理學會舉辦,參加者是正在香港科學園實習的大學生。今天下午,學生參與了有關眾籌的培訓,辣數碼負責人Kelvin分享了在Kickstarter眾籌活動中的經驗,我們很高興在分享會期間與學生互動,並交換了很多有趣的想法,希望在未來他們會參與更多有關眾籌的活動。